Eaton Fuller Hybrid Sesar Code 1 Motor generator sensor Ayeuna

Lepat kode pikeun Eaton Hybrid Girang Systems model (MY08) EH-8E306A-U, EH-8E306A-UPG, EH-8E306A-up, EH-8E306A-CD, EH-8E306A-T, EH-6E606B-CD, (MY09) EH-8E406A-U / P, EH-8E406A-up, EH-8E406A-UPG, EH-8E406A-CD, EH-8E406A-CDG, EH-8E406A-CDR, EH-8E406A-T, EH-6E706B-CD, EH-6E706B-P jeung EH-6E706B-UPG. The High-Voltage Motor/Generator Assembly is connected to the Inverter Assembly through an AC High-Voltage Cable that contains 3 kabel misah. salila operasi, the Inverter monitors the amperage in the AC cables through a current sensor, nu geus dipasang di jero Inverter nu. The inductive sensor produces an output based on amperage present in the cables.

lepat Code 1 Motor / generator sensor Ayeuna deteksi

Tegangan Inverter ignition anu leuwih gede ti 7 volt jeung kirang ti 16 volt.

Kaayaan keur Atur Sesar Code Active

Kaayaan keur Atur Sesar:

  • IMF 6 is set when Inverter detects current input from the Motor/Generator greater than 100 AMPS pikeun 150 IBU.
  • IMF 0 is set when the Inverter detects current input from the Motor/Generator greater than 200 AMPS pikeun 0.3 IBU.
  • IMF 15 is set when the sensor offset is out of range at initial check.

Fallback Nalika Sesar Code 1 diatur kaayaan di handap lumangsung:
• Amber "Cék Hybrid" illuminates lampu.
• Sesar disimpen dina Control Hybrid Module (HCM) ingetan.
• Electric Motor/Generator Assist and Regeneration are disabled; kumaha oge, nu relays-tegangan tinggi tetep Powered.
• HCM continues to control the hybrid vehicle in a diesel-only mode.
• ingkar Transmission ngamimitian gear mun 1st.

Kaayaan keur Atur Sesar Code aktif

Ngan faults aktif bisa diberesihan tina Unit Transmission Control Electronic (TECU) atanapi sajarah HCM maké ServiceRanger. The TECU otomatis Leungitkeun dina faults tina sajarah sanggeus 200 hours and the HCM automatically clears the faults from history after the fault has stayed Inactive for 200 jam.

Kode lepat ieu bisa disababkeun ku salah sahiji handap:

  • IMF 0, 6
    • Inverter
    • Motor / generator
    • sambungan kabel AC
  • IMF 15
    • Inverter

lepat Code 1 – Motor / generator Ayeuna sensor Test

System komponén Identification MY08:

High-Voltage AC Harness Connector View

Luhur-tegangan AC Abah Panyambung Témbongkeun
(Amphenol Panyambung)

High-Voltage AC Motor/Gen Connector View

Luhur-tegangan AC Motor / Gen Panyambung Témbongkeun
(Amphenol Panyambung)

CATETAN: Tingal Eaton Hybrid Cibalong sarta Panyambung lokasi pikeun Panyambung Locations di MY08 Systems

component connector

System komponén Identification MY09:

High-Voltage AC Harness Connector View

Luhur-tegangan AC Abah Panyambung Témbongkeun
(Amphenol Panyambung)

High-Voltage AC Motor/Gen Connector View

Luhur-tegangan AC Motor / Gen Panyambung Témbongkeun
(Amphenol Panyambung)

CATETAN: Tingal Eaton Hybrid Cibalong sarta Panyambung lokasi pikeun Panyambung Locations di MY09 Systems.

component connector

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